Really...she's bored. She's been out of school a week and this week her little brother is back at preschool. So apparently there is no one to pick on, bother, make scream, or boss around and she needs something to do. "I always do crafts with Baba, Mom. I'm always so creative when she gives me an idea. She has so many stamps and paints and papers and markers and..." Needless to say I was in search of something for her to do today. Then I ran across this super cute owl at
Natsprat. I'm not sure what it is with the owls lately, but I see them everywhere. The greatest part of this is that there doesn't have to be any sewing. She really has no patience for anything that might take a while....hmmm I wonder where she gets that this will be the perfect little project. AND the best part is that I already have the supplies!
Finished product....
O.K. so I sewed a little, but you wouldn't have to.
Then my 4 year old came home and saw what his sister made today and looked at me with those baby blues...and batted those long eyelashes...and spoke in his meek, disappointed little voice. "Where's mine?" Who could say no to that...the sucker who made another one.
...the next day...Jackson didn't really like his pirate. He wanted a blue one since his favorite color is blue. I thought he wanted a blue bandana...but, no. He wanted the entire pirate to be blue. It's pretty ugly, but he loves it.