I LOVE this wreath!! I'm off on spring break and was in the mood for a little creativity. I was on facebook and saw a blog someone else had commented on, and well one blog led to another and I found this wreath...

How adorable it that!
Tatertots and Jello is my new favorite place to visit for all things crafty and reinvented and recycled and inspiring. It's one of those blogs that's new everyday, sometimes multiple times during the day. Oh I could spend hour upon hour blog hopping and just dreaming of the day I have the time! So, since I had the time this week I decided to make an Easter wreath. Of course like most things I create, I needed more material than required and more time than I expected. BUT...I am in love with my wreath! The picture here hanging on my navy front door doesn't even do it justice... then as I finished it up and was checking blogs I found this from
She's {Kinda} Crafty, another new favorite place for inspiration!

Currently I'm creating a second wreath...Hobby Lobby was having a 50% off ribbon sale this week...DANGEROUS! It looks very similar to this one here. I just can't wait to see how it turns out! I'll keep you posted.
Love it Jena! Look forward to reading your posts.